Monday, May 10, 2010



妈妈帮我做,就连洗衣绑鞋带都是她在弄。渐渐的我不再然她操心所以我很努力的读书就算我读书不好。我告诉自己我一定要读国立大学这样学费不会贵,有一天我一定要考获博士要其它人为她骄傲。我知道我一定会有那一天。很喜欢妈妈笑的时候,她的笑容对我来说比任何东西都重要所以每次我都想尽办法来逗她笑,依靠在她的怀里我感觉到幸福的味道。如果你问我设么是幸福的味道,我会告诉你在妈妈的怀抱里是最幸福的。这个母亲节我有点失望因为我没买东西给妈妈可是我知道我在她的身边已经是她最大的礼物。这两天在家里都忙着学业的东西只有偶尔停下功课然后逗逗妈妈。有时拥抱她有时躺在她的怀里,我知道她很开心。刚才我还叫妈妈帮我挖耳头,挖耳头其实是借口目的是要躺在她的脚上撒娇。或许人家会觉得很恶心可是这就是我和我妈妈的相处方式。渐渐的发现原来妈妈已经老了虽然她看起来还是那么漂亮。她脸上的皱纹和白发我看了很难过。现在的我已经不能像小时候和妈妈玩‘空中飞人’了。还记得我看过一个故事, 一位母亲用藤鞭鞭打做错事的孩子,当这个母亲用力鞭打孩子时,这个孩子哭了。哭不是因为讨厌母亲或是痛;哭的原因是她发现原来母亲已经老了,连鞭打他的力气也没了。我看了这文章也不禁的流泪。真的,有时我怪自己没时间陪她。很怀念以前小时候的日子,妈妈会骑着脚踏车载我到学校上课每天都在想要煮设么给我们吃而且一定要公平对待我们兄弟,不懂事的我们当时只会投诉不好吃。妈妈总是把最好吃的东西给我们,我还记得以前妈妈都是最后一个吃饭因为她要让我们吃饱先,如果有剩下的饭菜她就吃那些剩下的食物。小的时候我问妈妈为何吃我们剩下的鱼骨,她说鱼骨很好吃。当时的我知道鱼骨一点都不好吃,她太伟大了。相信很多人都听过吧。
。很多人很羡慕我和我妈的感情,其实你们也是可以的,回家时给妈妈一个拥抱胜过你给多少家用。多点时间陪陪她们这才是一个孩子应该做的事。要知道树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不在。以前妈妈没买玩具给我的时候我会生妈妈的气,妈妈一气之下说我投错胎应该投向有钱人的家庭这样我就可以要风得风,要雨得雨。可是当她说出这句话时我哭了,我只要妈妈开开心心,我不要玩具了!我知道妈妈每次到庙里第一个要菩萨保佑的是她三个宝贝孩子而我也一样每次到庙里拜拜第一个要菩萨保佑的不是我自己而是我的妈妈,我的家人。我知道我妈很担心我交不到女朋友难免有时催我找个女朋友,每次我都说开玩笑说你的孩子没人要。虽然我跟我妈很谈得来可是我们从来不谈感情的事我怕告诉她我又失败了,我不想她难过。有时我觉得我在找女朋友时会很调,我妈也知道这一点。或许我被我妈影响吧,我想找一个像我妈那么优秀的女朋友。优秀不是因为她读书好,我妈受教育不高可是她管理家庭教育孩子是真的很好她的那颗善良的心。有时候很担心以后老婆会不喜欢我妈妈会讲我妈坏话,这是我不能忍受的事。所以女朋友一定要不是一个野蛮刁蛮任性的女生,我知道这是不可能的。所以我告诉自己我也一样会对她家人一样好这样才公平。小时候,我们总是围绕在妈妈的周围玩, 长大后我们会离开妈妈的身边而且不常回家,每次回来就是不快乐的时候,不然就是需要设么东西的时候。 妈妈都会把身上最好的,最符合我们需要的东西给我们,这个时候我们拿了东西,转身就走,留下渴望我们留在身边的妈妈,凝视着渐小的背影。 虽然如此, 妈妈在心中,却是不断地说着:希望他会快乐,嘱咐他一路上顺利平安。当我们累了,妈妈伸出双手怀抱着我们,让我们安稳地在她的怀中休息,不受吵闹。我们对妈妈予取予求,但是她们却无怨无悔,而且不求回报而我们却怎样回报她们呢?茶来伸手,饭来张口?动不动就发脾气?把在外面的委屈都发泄在她们身上?当妈妈孤单的时候我们在哪里?当妈妈需要我们的时候我们又在哪里?妈咪,你是我生命中最重要的人。下辈子记得我告诉你的东西,我一辈子都要做你的好孩子。等我出来工作我一定带你出国去玩尤其是纽西兰,我知道你很想念弟弟。。接下来让我来当你的守护神吧!突然很想抱抱!!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Reading time

I know these few days will be a very busy day...for reading. To date, I had studied for 5 articles. Actually my reading has improved a lot compare to previous. I took few days to complete an articles but now I may use few hours to complete one, subject to the length of the article. These few articles related to each others. It's about tourism and community involvement. I just realised some articles they use a case study and they be able to publish. No wonder my supervisor said we can publish an articles to the top journal. I called to TDA yesterday and they told me they had submitted the letter and the time couldn't change and told me that the Ketua Kampung may be not dare to come for meeting if we pospond the meeting to Dec because the moonson season. I did sms my supervisor about it and wait for her reply. I'm struggling to find out as many theories to support my study ,if not i m going to die. I need to present to my supervisors before I present it in the seminar. I'll work smart on it and wont make them feel disappointed with my work. Good luck to me!!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tired weekend

This week is a tired week for me because I had attended two workshop this week, there were Cracking The Code and Effective Writing. I had learn a lot in these two workshop and became more confident in my postgraduate life. i learn how to write the literature review and some academic writing techniques. Besides the workshop, I have many things to deal with, especially concentrate on my coming presentation on a Seminar which will be held on 1 Dec at Port Dickson. I told myself I must do well in the seminar and try to get as many response from the lecturers. I inspire by a sentence '' People will probably forget what you did and said but they will never forget how you make them feel''. So, I gotta come out with an interesting presentation so that my audience will not 'fishing' during my presentation. I keep telling myself i need to work smart and make writing a habit. i do not want my supervisors disappointed and worry about me. I want to make them proud of me. I know I can do it. Wait and see!!!I'll prove it!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Busy weekend

After back from Cracking the Code workshop, I found that I learn many things from the workshop especially time management and other stuffs. It may help me in the future. This week is the busy week for me. I need to attend a few workshop so that it could sharpen my saw. Today, I finished my transcript and submitted to Dr.Serene. However, I still yet to ask my friends to correct my grammar. I am planning to attend a workshop, effective writing on this saturday. I am going to meet Prof.Ahamad for the meeting today at 4pm with the supervisor committee. I hope I wont be asked so many question during the meeting.Good luck to me then.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Workshop on 'Cracking the Code''

Starting from today, I need to change the blog to english written because I was told to do that. I attended a workshop conducted by Graduate School of Studies, 'Cracking the Code'' today and the instructors gave a lot of useful guidances to the students. One thing inspire me was about the time management. How can a postgraduate student to be a time planner. He requires us to write a so called 'reflesive journal' , something like a diary about our research life (lonely journey). Haha!! Well, for me I think it's good beacause it's a starting point for me to write more, to polish my english through writting. Actually my supervisors has told me to do a long time ago. What I can say is, I dont give commintment to her. I know what she does is for my good. I do appreciate what she told me. Anyway, I gonna start writing my postgraduate journey so that I can share my experience with other people, may be my juniors or my friends who are studying master now. I hope i can share something I face in my research journey and they may provide me guidelines as well, or give some support to me. Actually the most difficult is to maintain a writing habit because sometimes i am kinda lazy person. Anyway, please torture me if I do not update myself.

Friday, June 26, 2009


很久没有update我的blog,没想到今天写的竟然是我的偶像michael jackson逝世的消息。刚看到的时候很吓到,他。。真的走了!以前小时候就看到他早已经为自己的 身后事打算,棺材还是冷气的!还记得第一次听他的歌就是'you are not alone’,当时国营电视台一直播。他的歌声很甜美,那MV他长得有点女人加上歌声,所以我对他有很深刻的印象。第二首歌就是‘earth song’,是一首关于环保的歌很特别。我还记得我还买他以前的专辑‘dangerous’卡带,现在我还保留得很好。他走了,有点不习惯!虽然他之前被告侵犯小孩可是还是有很多人声援他。。看得出他是一个很爱小朋友的人,不然他家里就不会建‘梦幻乐园-wonderland’,里面有动物园有游乐园。看得出他自己也像像个小孩一样开开心心没烦恼。。希望他走的时候是安详。。一样开开心心没烦恼!安息吧MJ,我永远都会怀念你。。KING OF THE POP

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


今天是我的生日,四月八号.今天对我来说很重要,我告诉朋友我不想一个人过.以前因为是期考所以朋友每个都回家,又庆祝都是不在八号.对于柔佛人来说今天一定不会陌生吧,因为是苏丹诞辰,公共假期.今天我很感恩因为今天也是母难日,今天我突然感觉到原来我已经二十四岁了!妈妈已经生了我二十四年可是我现在还没有做到一个 一尽责任的孩子,还没做工赚钱.觉得最重要的是看到我又女朋友吧!今天收到的祝福很多都是祝我快点找到女朋友,很多人都很好奇那个女生是谁?我想知道咧!哈哈!今天我很开心因为有很多朋友来为我庆祝生日,至少今天我不是孤单的!今天我们在Sunway Pyramid‘s Manhattan Fish Market吃鱼!虽然原本还有五个朋友会来可是一些临时有事不能来有点失望,可是没关系还有九个!哈哈!今年的第一份礼物就是我朋友送我的一张小卡,很喜欢!很少会收到自己亲手做的生日卡。最令我感动的,我只是开玩笑说说而已结果她真的做了一张。以前收到的都是用钱买的。看得出是很用心的作品,谢谢她!哈哈!今天都是我打电话给人因为今天打电话是免费的!今年的愿望和以往的都是差不多,都是希望家人健康,学业进步。 可是朋友却说第三个是找到一个女朋友。哈哈!还笑我男生里面只有我一个没有拍过拖。今天受到蛮多人的祝福,有来之意大利的朋友,大学同学,学妹,还有一些不认识的。看到别人说生日快乐就对我说。明年的生日希望还可以更一大班朋友一起庆祝!谢谢你们!我会珍惜你们的!Thank you guys,love you all!Appreciate it!